You’re clearly someone who knows a good opportunity when you see one. You’re exactly who this event is designed for!

Please mark these relevant details in your calendar, and familiarize yourself with the best practices for participating in a guided group hypnosis session with Highlight Hypnosis via Zoom (see below). Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Zoom info for

Time: Mar 18, 2025 07:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 821 8730 6187
Passcode: 043640


  • Join the Zoom from a Desktop or Laptop Computer.
    For best audio/video connectivity, please join from a computer. (If using a smartphone/mobile device: please use headphones to make sure you can hear your hypnotist properly.)

  • Arrive Early.
    Log in at least 5 minutes early to ensure everything is ready to go and you are able to connect. You will be admitted by your host shortly. Note: Doors close 5 minutes after start time.

  • Participation: Mic Muted, Camera Optional, Chat Encouraged.
    For the most effective hypnosis experience, attendees need to only be hearing from the hypnotist’s mic (and not other attendees’ mics), so please keep yourself muted. Typing in the chat messaging box is encouraged during some portions of the event, and it can be quite nice to see the faces of everyone participating at those times so cameras on, if you please!

  • Get Comfortable.
    Chose a comfortable chair and environment. Have a blanket and pillow available, your body temperature will drop while in hypnosis. 

  • Bring a Pen and Paper, or Other Way to Take Notes.
    For longest lasting effects, when your hypnotist provides you with writing prompts, it is strongly recommended to jot down your responses.

  • Choose a Peaceful Environment.
    You should be in a space where you can be undisturbed for the length of your appointment. We recommend shutting and locking the door, and having animals wait outside the room. 

  • Create a Quiet Space.
    If your only option is to join from a loud or noisy environment, headphones will be your best friend, so please have some handy.


I’m honored to get to walk you through this shift, and looking very forward to seeing you at this event.

In the meanwhile, if you are interested in booking a complimentary consultation call with me to see if one-on-one hypnotherapy is a good fit for you, please request a time to do so below!

All the best,

Gwen Thomas
Certified Hypnotherapist with Highlight Hypnosis